Blog Archive

Monday, October 21, 2013

I'm baccckkk!!!

Hey Everyone!

As you could probably guess by my absence things have been absolutely nuts in my world. It has been quite the month full of exciting things going on! I have been super busy with school during the week, and have had all sorts of fun things on the weekends. I promise I'm going to try and be better at checking in on here more often!

So, I thought I would just do a quick update on what I've been up to. Since my last post I have been blessed to watch two of my friends marry the men of their dreams! Kyle and Kaylie got married in September, and Kaetlynn and Ron got married in October. I didn't know what to expect when these days came around, but I have never been so happy for them in my life! It is such a great feeling to see your friends so happy and moving onto a new chapter in their life.

Mom and Dad came down! 

I don't have a picture of the beautiful bride KP was, but just trust me, she took everyone's breath away :)

I have also been super busy with school, but it's going well! I have found it's not has hard to study and do homework when you actually enjoy what you are learning. Also, during my clinical experience I have found I absolutely love interacting with cancer patients all day, especially the little kiddos! Most people ask "How can you do this all day long, aren't you sad?" But, really we are helping them, and they are so appreciative! It's really a great feeling.

So, that's pretty much what I have been up to! This weekend I shopped til I dropped with my mom, Aunt Maggie, and cousin Shavon at the HolidayMart in KC and it was so  much fun to spend so much quality time with them! The highlight of the day was cackling like hens at On the Border. People thought we were nuts!

Well I have to go sign in for class, but I hope to be back again sometime this week with some yummy recipes I've been making lately!

Have a great week!

What have you been doing lately?

Any fun recipes you have to share?

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