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Saturday, January 25, 2014

Fixin' Food Friday, ugh Saturday?

I'm writing this post a day late, oops! But, I did fix this last night before I headed to Topeka for the weekend and it was super good!  My friend KP said I needed to post this recipe so she can use it, so here it is!

Teriyaki Chicken Stir Fry
Teriyaki Sauce
2 Chicken Breast
2 Florets Broccoli 
Container of Mushrooms
1 Medium Onion
Olive Oil
2 dashes Sesame Seed oil
Brown Rice

Teriyaki Sauce I used

1. Marinate your chicken prior to cooking. I only marinated mine about an hour before I cooked it. 

2. Heat olive oil and Sesame oil in a skillet on high temperature. Put enough olive oil in the skillet to cover the bottom.

3. Throw the vegetables in the skillet and stir until all the veggies are coated. Turn the heat down to about 250 degrees. 

4. Cook your rice, I made 4 servings.

5. Throw your chicken in a skillet and cook until done

6. Continue stirring your veggies occasionally. Once they begin to soften thrown some more teriyaki sauce in with them, along with your chicken, cover and let simmer for about 5-10 minutes. 

Serve up!

It's super easy, and soo good! I honestly have no idea how much teriyaki sauce I used, maybe half a bottle? You can use any veggies you would like, I was just craving mushrooms! 

No Days Off Update- It's day 5 and still going strong! It's funny how much better you feel when you have a healthy lifestyle! 

Have a great weekend everyone!

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